West Falmouth Harbor Restoration
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West Falmouth Harbor Restoration
West Falmouth Harbor Restoration Feasibility Study
Prepared by:
Cape Cod Conservation District
Hydraulic Modeling and Culvert Size Analysis,
West Falmouth Harbor, West Falmouth, MA
Prepared by:
Woods Hole Group
'Restoration Of West Falmouth Harbor' Event Leaves Residents With Hope, Challenges
By Claudia Geib, The Falmouth Enterprise
"...In the mid-1990s, scientists began seeing nitrogen levels spike in waters around West Falmouth—and with it, increased algae growth, along with sharply declining shellfish health, eelgrass coverage, and water quality. To this day, groundwater sampled around West Falmouth Harbor still has very high nitrogen levels."
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West Falmouth Harbor Eelgrass Study
By Brittany Feldott, The Falmouth Enterprise
"A recent study shows that eelgrass in parts of West Falmouth Harbor is growing relatively healthily, but Philip Colarusso of the US Environmental Protection Agency said last week that it could take between six and 17 years before eelgrass beds fully recover."
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