West Falmouth Safety
Falmouth Police Advice: How to Protect Your West Falmouth Home
(reply to an email from Su Moran)
It appears as though the neighborhood has been targeted by an individual or small group of individuals since last Monday or Tuesday. In each incident that I reviewed the residence was not locked. I would certainly suggest that residents ALWAYS lock their doors as well as easily accessible windows whenever they leave or turn in for the night. Residents should also check points of entry that are not frequently used, such as basement doors and bulkheads and ensure that they are also secured.
When residents are home there are several things that can be done to prevent break-ins and theft as well. Most often daytime thieves will try to blend in. They may approach a screen door and knock. If the door is answered they may act like lost motorist or bicyclist or try to solicit the homeowner. If the door is not answered then they take the opportunity to enter the house, and take whatever they can easily find. If you are not in a position to answer a knock at your door (in the back yard or in the shower for example) then you should at the very least lock and secure your screen door.
As mentioned above thieves are often opportunistic. If they see a purse inside an unlocked screen door they can open the screen and make off with the purse very quickly. I always recommend that valuables (especially ones that can easily be carried away) be kept out of sight. Whether they are inside the doorway to your house or inside your vehicle, take a moment to put them in a closet or in your trunk.
Finally, Residents should remember that no one knows their neighborhood better that they do! If something or someone doesn't look or feel right to you then please don't hesitate to call the police. Before calling try to take note of any distinguishing features of the suspicious person or item. What is the person wearing? Do they have any visible tattoos? Facial hair? If you cannot safely observe a vehicle's license plate then does it have any bumper stickers? A roof rack? Missing a hub cap?
I do agree that these incidents are not the norm for the West Falmouth Area, and understand the feeling of uneasiness and frustration of the residents. Unfortunately, West Falmouth is not the only part of town that has been victimized by these types of crimes. As a bit of good news, I am pleased to say that an officer was re-assigned to the Detective Division just last week. I can also tell you that Detectives are working on some leads regarding the incidents that occurred in West Falmouth as well as other parts of town. I am unable to get into specifics at this time, but hope to pass on more information to you in the near future.
If any residents have any questions please encourage them to email me directly, and I will make every effort to address their concerns.
Jim Cummings
Falmouth Police Department
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